
Friday, November 6, 2015

7 Tech Tips for Your Next Read Aloud

Edutopia recently posted an article called 7 Tech Tips for Your Next Read Aloud and I thought it had some great ideas that could be used in our classrooms.  Here is a summary of the 7 Tech Tips and a direct link to the article for further details if you are interested:

  1. Video conference in a guest speaker using Skype, Google Hangouts, etc.
  2. Project the book on the big screen for everyone to see  using the document camera to project the hard copies of books.  
  3. Set-Up online exit slips to have students to answer comprehensive questions or to share their opinion.
  4.  Use digital text from the web or downloaded on a device and project it to the big screen.
  5. Have students sketch a response to a read aloud instead of writing a response.  There are many applications that can help with this (some provided in the article and feel free to reach out to me for others).
  6. Record students responses using recording features on our devices.
  7. Get Social: Tweet the read aloud.  I know not everyone has twitter accounts, but the article talks about simulating a texting environment.  
Happy Reading!!!

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